New Aperture
Written during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In my apartment in Greensboro my workspace is set up next to my window. While practicing social distancing I got the chance to do a lot more self-reflecting than I usually do. A lot of this involved staring out of the previously stated window. A common theme that was mixed in with all of my thoughts was the idea of how many things I’ve taken for granted. The idea of walking out of my front door is something I had to plan and prepare for, let alone having to travel to a public destination. This window I have to my left now serves as this reminder. Constantly poking me and saying that, “one of the things you woke up and always expected to have will never be the same: the idea of enjoying the outside world.”. A world that is literally in arm’s reach now feels like it’s miles and miles away. I still get to look at it and enjoy its beauty from inside. Though not the same, it’s my first step in learning how to live with this new aperture. |
Dancing With Myself In Frozen Water
Written for the Greensboro Industries for the Blind.
Inspired by artwork by Krystal Rothermund and Daryl Wells. The idea of conversing with yourself is almost taboo, yet a lot of people are known for doing it. The story behind this piece is of whenever I have personal conversations with myself in my head (or sometimes out loud). The creation of another body is always created to help shift the environment to one where dialogue is allowed instead of an internal monologue. Whenever my mind is starting to fall into a darker place I always expect for myself to help carry me to a lighter area. While being brought into this new territory I don’t let anything else in the world distract me for I know my mental health is the most important thing at that moment. Once I reach a positive conclusion it almost feels like my two “inner bodies” are dancing to celebrate their newfound accomplishment: a newfound peace of mind. |